Sunday, March 1, 2009


Is anybody else as disturbed as I am that so many of my photos are of food?

Yesterday, after our long afternoon, we were debating whether we could get by without going to the grocery store. When asked what we could eat for Sunday dinner I said, "burgers, but there are no sides." Everyone was so tired that burgers sounded great. After church however they no longer sounded so good. It was pretty much our only option though. Paul asked what we could serve with them I reminded him that there were no sides. He asked, "no potatoes or salads or anything you could make up?" I said, "nope" then got to thinking, I had some canned fruit I could offer up. He wasn't interested. I went digging in the freezer and came up with these little beauties. Fried mozzarella sticks. Whoot! Now it's officially a meal ;)

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