Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Mmmm. Peaches. Some dear soul added peaches to the Bountiful Harvest booth. We have had fresh peach shakes for the last two nights. Delicious! Have I mentioned how much I love getting fruit and veggies from my neighborhood for free? It truly was an inspired idea. I wish I had more to contribute.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Just a heads are well aware that Bruce, Rodger and Brandon worship the peach shakes?! Let me tell you how theirs are made...fully ripe peaches (peeled and diced into some sort of slurry), the most expensive 'real' vanilla you can purchase, then you search the ice cream freezer for the vanilla ice cream with the most fat and calories (this takes a while) and plan on at least a 1/2 gallon per person, finally you purchase a 10lb bag of sugar. Wha-laa!!!! Now you are ready to blend and consume. Then you wait, patiently, until one of them spews, 'Brandon', who then exclaims in the process of spewing, "Guys, it's still cold..."

Just sayin', that's how it's done up in this neck of the woods....(oh, and they will have a fit if they see this beautiful shot of your prep work to peach shakes with ice cubes. maybe they need to see it, take notes, yours looks much more calorie friendly.)