Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Photo a Day in 2009

One of my resolutions is to take a photo everyday. Not every photo will be art. I have the right to alter the photo anyway I see fit. I can use a tri-pod to include myself, I can use a timer or my remote. I just have to take a photo every day.

There will be shots of nature, the kids, my awesome fur ball Marius, food, holidays and celebrations, stuff around the house or projects I am working on. Hopefully there will be a lot of us in new vacation spots;) It can be anything I want to take a photo of.

Now let me be clear, this doesn’t mean that I will post one everyday, maybe I will only post on Sundays or something like that, but I will try to find something to take a photo of each and every day.

This is an effort to appreciate my surroundings, find beauty everywhere, and to learn how to use my camera better. I need to venture out of Auto and Shutter Priority.

Wish me luck and enjoy!

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